7 Termite Prevention Tips

termite prevention

Nashville, Murfreesboro, Knoxville and Chattanooga TN Spring is here but, in the temperate climate of Nashville, Murfreesboro and the surrounding areas of middle Tennessee, the swarming season for termites already is under way. These wood-devouring insects become active as early as February in the Nashville area. That’s why you need to act now to safeguard against a possible infestation. To …

Why are Basements Susceptible to Flooding?

why do basements flood

Nashville, Murfreesboro, Knoxville and Chattanooga TN Basements can be a welcome part of any home, offering space for storage and additional living space or recreational areas. But they come with a unique set of challenges. Those challenges usually start with water. Whether a minor leak or major inundation, one of the most common issues that homeowners with basements face is …

5 Simple Ways to keep Stinging Insects Away from your Murfreesboro Home

prevent wasp

Nashville, Murfreesboro, Knoxville and Chattanooga TN Spring is the perfect time of year to enjoy the outdoors. It’s warm, but not too hot. When the wind blows or you’re in the shade, it’s cool enough to keep you feeling comfortable. But while being outdoors this time of year can be enjoyable, stinging insects can quickly ruin your outdoor relaxation or …

How to Tackle Eight-Legged Guests in your Murfreesboro Home

tackle spiders

Nashville, Murfreesboro, Knoxville and Chattanooga TN Perhaps it’s because they have more legs than humans have limbs … or because they can be really big and hairy with leaping skills. But for whatever reason, spiders can evoke fear and discomfort in many people. It’s too bad because these terror-inducing arachnids play a vital role in ecosystems by controlling insect populations. …

The Hidden Dangers of a Wet Basement

dangers of a wet basement

Nashville, Murfreesboro, Knoxville and Chattanooga TN A basement can either be a lively spot for warm and cozy gatherings of family and friends, or it can be a dark and overlooked part of a home, tucked away from everyday life that happens upstairs. But a basement holds a significant role in the structural integrity and safety of the entire house …

Help! My House is Infested with Ants!

Ants in kitchen

Nashville, Murfreesboro, Knoxville and Chattanooga TN When you see one ant, chances are there are thousands and thousands more nearby. Whether they’re visiting your kitchen, bathroom or outdoor spaces, any infestations are a nuisance that calls for a strategic approach. Murfreesboro is home to various ant species, including odorous house ants, Argentine ants, pavement ants and pesky fire ants. Each …

4 Tips to keep Pests out of your Pantry

pantry pest

Nashville, Murfreesboro, Knoxville and Chattanooga TN It’s time for a snack so you head for your pantry. Whether your taste leans toward salty or sweet, the last thing anyone wants to find is a bug or rodent stashed among their food supply. In the temperate climate of Middle Tennessee, insects like to invade homes and seek out dark spots like …

Bed Bugs are One Travel Souvenir you Don’t Want to Bring Home

bedbug treatment

Nashville, Murfreesboro, Knoxville and Chattanooga TN You may have seen media coverage last fall about the bedbug outbreaks that caused panic overseas in major European cities like Paris and London. Well, a popular American vacation destination also has experienced some recent issues with bed bugs as well. That’s why, today on the blog, your Nashville pest control professionals at Ameri …

Your Guide to Flea Prevention in Nashville

Flea prevention

Nashville, Murfreesboro, Knoxville and Chattanooga TN Chances are you don’t worry, much less think about fleas until you find yourself dealing with an infestation of them. These tiny, wingless insects survive by biting humans and animals and feeding on their blood. Flea bites can cause irritation and discomfort, as well as possible disease or provoking an allergic reaction. Your best …

Should you be Worried about Mosquitoes around your Nashville Home?

worried about mosquitoes

Nashville, Murfreesboro, Knoxville and Chattanooga TN Before we know it, spring will be here with warm weather right behind it. That means mosquitoes will be making a comeback. These flying, blood-sucking pests carry diseases and can cause some significant health problems with their bite. Just how worried should you be about mosquitoes this spring and summer? Today on the blog, …

Got Beetles in your Nashville Kitchen? Follow our Guide!


Nashville, Murfreesboro, Knoxville and Chattanooga TN You’re washing a dish in your sink or making your morning coffee and then you see it… a beetle crawling across your kitchen counter. Like many insects and pests, when you see one of them, it likely means that it has several “friends” crawling around out of sight. Today on the blog, your pest …

Benefits of Waterproofing your Basement

waterproofing basement

Nashville, Murfreesboro, Knoxville and Chattanooga TN A leaky house always spells some sort of disaster, whether it happens at the foundation or on the roof. Add a basement into the mix, and water damage seems to become almost a given. It’s why so many basements smell musty. Waterproofing your basement with our moisture control specialists in Murfreesboro can protect it …